About Us

Single Room
We provide accommodation for students whilst they attend Bournemouth University and local schools of English. Students have their own private bedroom.

Big Room
Two persons are can share a bigger room with a double bed or two single beds.

Students can stay here on a self catering basis. They have access to a professional kitchen where they can prepare their own snacks and meals.

Health and safety
Safety and fire precautions are superior to the legal requirements. These must be among the safest hotels in the south of England.

Car park
If you have a car, you are welcome to put it in our car park. We also have a special area where you can keep your bicycle.

The hotels have other facilities such as the lounge. Guests can sit in comfort whilst studying, using the internet or chatting with friends.

We have a wireless system so that guests with a suitable wireless laptop can access the internet from their bedroom.

Provision has been made for guests who have disabilities. Contact us before booking, because we cannot match some impairments. We can’t provide accommodation for guests who are confined to a wheelchair.

Electric meter
Long term guests pay for their electricity which they use in their bedroom via an electric sub-meter. It is not expensive.

Be aware that the hotels have a dog! Do not seek accommodation here if you are allergic to dogs.