If you have any other questions, please get in contact with us and we’ll gladly answer them for you!
What is the weekly cost of a room?
Single rooms are £95 to £100 a week, two persons sharing are £130 per week.
Is there a deposit?
Yes, it is £100 per room.
Can three people stay in one of your rooms?
We’re really sorry but no. British regulations forbid three persons from staying in one of our rooms on a long term basis.
How long can we stay in the hotel?
Most of our students reside here for a few weeks or months. Your are welcome to reside for the duration of your studies, up to a maximum of 364 nights
Do you accept long term guests who are not students?
Sorry, our insurance only allows us to accommodate students and holiday visitors. We ONLY accept students, and ONLY for a maximum of 364 nights
I see your hotel is for international students. Can British students stay here as well?
Yes, providing you attend somewhere such as Bournemouth University or AECC University College.
Can you accept guests with pets?
No, but you are welcome to play with our dog.
Can you accept students with children?
Hotel accommodation is unsuitable for children.
What if I want to return to my own country for a few weeks?
By all means! We wouldn’t want you getting home sick! We’ll keep your baggage in a locked store room whilst you are away for free.
What if I prefer a different room?
You are welcome to change to another room or even the other hotel as soon as a room becomes available.
Do you accept cheques or credit cards?
No. Please always pay in cash in return for a written receipt.
How much do I pay for hot water and cooking power?
Hot water and electric/gas for cooking are free but we do ask you to switch off equipment after use.
Can I see more pictures and choose which bedroom I want?
No, because perhaps you’ll select a bedroom which already has a student in it! Sometimes there is only one empty room on the day of arrival. You’re welcome to change to a different bedroom as soon as someone leaves. We have many BED rooms but no BAD rooms.